jean, krista, and the rebeccas' message board

Friday, January 20, 2006

New Year, New Look

Felt like changing it up a bit for the new year! If you hate this template I can switch back, I just got sick of seeing the brown.

Hope you all are well.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Worst week EVER

So Sunday, I'm cleaning up my apartment and sorting through mail. I notice that I've got something from Capital One and I don't have an account with them. I get on average 3 offers from them a week, so I almost threw the envelope away because I assumed it was another offer. But I didn't - I open it up to find a bill for a hundred dollars! So I call the number on the bill, and look up the current account balance and it's up to $1200. Someone opened up an account in my name and wracked up a bunch of charges. I'm mad. More than mad - I feel more mad now than I did when my wallet was stolen a few years ago. So long story short, I'm sorting it all out with Capital One right now, but what a pain in the ass!

So then today, I'm walking to work, going up Michigan Ave. A guy comes walking down the sidewalk toward me with these little dogs. So I move to the right to give him enough room and while I do that I'm not really looking in front of me because I was fiddling with something in my bag and I run into one of the trees that are planted on the sidewalk. And I cut up my forehead and my hair got caught in one of the branches and it took me several minutes to get my hair untangled. Soo embarassing and annoying!! Especially since the guy walking past me was super cute and traffic was backed up, so people in the cars were just sitting there watching me.

Ugh. Can't wait for this week to end.