jean, krista, and the rebeccas' message board

Monday, May 23, 2005

Changes are a Comin'

Hellooo Ladies!

How is everyone? I hope well.

To let you know, I'm actively looking for a new job. Two VPs at work have been let go in the past week, and mine is one of them. As a result of this restructuring, I will now have at least one or two more people in my chain of other words, I've been knocked down the ladder a few pegs. I had a nice little cry fest at work with my soon to be ex-manager, as my coworker has been receiving phone calls from all sorts of VPs and the head of the museum to discuss plans for the website and web designers (her and myself) yet nobody has asked if I am okay with any of this. This was the last straw for me, as I don't think my coworker has my best interests at heart when she tells me that she is speaking "for both of us" in these meetings. I don't get paid enough to feel like a peon at an institution where I have devoted most of my 20s to. So, I'm looking. I haven't had to apply for a job since I was in college, and the process is freaking me out. I've never had to even submit a resume before.

So I've been trying to lose weight (over 20 lbs lost now!) and just generally get myself back to where I want to be physically, emotionally, financially. I think if I can leave this place, I'll feel a lot better about these other changes I'm starting, I almost feel as if my job is keeping me down.

Hope you all had a good weekend, my sister Lesley came down - she just completed her first year at St. Kates - she found out today that over 60% of her class failed the final and luckily Lesley did not! I'm really excited for her, it's hard to go back to school in your mid 30s and she's trying to make up for lost time and get her nursing degree.