jean, krista, and the rebeccas' message board

Thursday, November 27, 2003

Hi guys! Happy Thanksgiving!

i'll be coming home for about a week around xmas, think i'm flying in the sunday before and then flying back out on the 27th. I would love to get together with you guys if you'll be around, that's all the vacation time i'll have before the end of the year.

I'll be in Chicago for New Years, if anyone wants to spend it with Matt and I in Chi-town?! Let me know...

Anywho, hope you all have a good thanksgiving, and Jeaner, if people were talking about you, they would be crazy - not you! Miss you and hope things get better for you down there...


Tuesday, November 04, 2003

I haven't posted in forever....

I've been so tired lately! Must be the fewer hours of daylight that are playing tricks on me. Things are going well in Chicago, Matt's new job is going well, the schedule is fantastic! I love it! and I think it's helping us get along better now that we have the same schedule. My job is blah, blah, and more blah. Bobby is the highlight of the week, his goofs keep everybody laughing, although he doesn't always know it. My sister Lesley was in town last weekend, we had fun shopping, eating, going out, etc... But I feel like I lost a weekend somewhere in there. Hope everyone has a good week - Krista - I swear I will send out that check soon!

Miss you all, talk to you soon!
