Hey Jean, Rebecca and Krista!
You guys should all start your own clinic! I'm sad to hear that Shawn Growth might be gay - that would definetly be a big loss to women...
Things in Chicago are moving along - work has kept me pretty busy, Matt's new job has him working 6 days a week most weeks, this week and next he'll be working 7 days a week. He's been very tired and our cats are mad at us because we're not there quite so much anymore. I've been trying to make it to my health club every so often and when I went in yesterday evening to renew my membership, the guy behind the counter was determined to give me a big discount. I don't know why. He even told me not to pay right away, that he would try to create some sort of Field Museum discount in the system so it would be legit. With the discount, I think I would be able to knock about 25 bucks off the monthly price... I was pretty excited to hear that.
Other than that, I've been still selfishly enjoying the
new couches.
I haven't talked to you in forever either! I'll be around this weekend - maybe I'll try calling you on saturday or something. So, what do you do for fun in San Antonio? Do you even have time to go and have fun? You'll have to let us all know how your first rotation goes...
Also, Jean, I think a long time ago you asked about how to make links and I forgot to respond - here's how you do it (you won't be able to look at the code I've used unless you look at my post in edit mode) :
linking text
let me know if you have any problems.